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Technology PioneerMaking Happy Future through Digital Innovation



Quantum Technology Research Division

Quantum Technology Research Division Image

□ Quantum Technology Research Division Introduction (Ju, Jung Jin, Head of Division T. 042-860-5186)
The future of national competitiveness will be determined by the capability to handle large scale data, intelligence, secure communication channels, high performance computing, and hypersensitive sensing, which will require new forms of data collection, transmission, processing and novel networking technologies. By taking advantage of the unique quantum nature of superposition, entanglement, and high sensitivity to external environments, quantum technology will revolutionize the next generation of information and communication technology as a game changer by enabling faster, safer, and more precise systems.

Our Quantum Technology Division is primarily conducting research and development on quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum sensing.

Quantum computers will improve the performance of computing used for artificial intelligence by utilizing a computational power far beyond that of classical computers.
Quantum communication will develop through wired, wireless, and satellite communication channels, and is expected to expand to lay a foundation for a future quantum internet.
Quantum sensing can measure ultra-fine physical quantities that were previously unmeasurable, which can lead to groundbreaking advances in a wide variety of fields such as medicine, environment, autonomous driving, space and more.

□ Section Introduction
① Quantum Computing Research Section (Jeongho Bang, Section Leader T. 042-860-6391)
Our understanding and research capabilities of quantum information science technology has greatly improved from the past few decades, and we are now breaking ground in areas of experimentation and verification previously thought unimaginable. The “quantum computer” has even become a common household term, demonstrating the extent to which quantum science and technology has advanced.

Our Quantum Computing Research Section is keeping pace with the current development of quantum ICT technology by conducting research in quantum computing / machine learning / simulation algorithms for system hardware / software alike. Furthermore, we are concentrating on developing fundamental technologies that can increase the reliability of qubit control and measurement. The outcomes of this research will be essential in the realization of fault-tolerant quantum computers in the future.

② Quantum Communication Research Section (Youn, Chun Ju, Section Leader T. 042-860-6297)
In this new era of communication and networking technologies where the security of sensitive information is of paramount importance, quantum communication presents a solution that leverages the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics that prevent eavesdropping. Quantum communication will also be crucial in developing an infrastructure capable of securely linking different quantum systems such as quantum computers and quantum sensors.

The Quantum Communication Section conducts research on integrated components and systems over wired and wireless quantum communication channels to provide forms of ultra-secure communication for national defense, finance, telecommunications, and administrative purposes. In particular, we are conducting research and development in line with the demands of related industries to lead to industrial development. The results of this research are expected to significantly enhance national competitiveness through the development of satellite quantum communication and quantum internet technology.

③ Quantum Sensor Research Section (Kim, Min-su Section Leader T. 042-860-1187)
Quantum sensing and metrology is based on quantum mechanical principles that allow for measurement performances that greatly exceeds the sensitivity and resolution limits in classical instruments. Such foundations can not only be used for the overall development in quantum technology, but can also advance other fields such as information technology, bio/medical, environment, and space science. Quantum sensing will facilitate the innovation of cutting-edge science and technology of such fields and will create a foundation for stronger industrial competitiveness.

In the Quantum Sensor Section, we develop quantum photon pair light source modules, which are core technologies for photon-based quantum sensing systems and technologies with capabilities that can greatly surpass those of classical optical microscopes / imaging systems. Additionally, we are developing active optical components based on optical interferometric modulators that will play a key role in the development of quantum cryptography and communication.

Quantum Technology Research Division Image

Assistant Vice PresidentYOUN, Chun Ju

  • TEL.+82-42-860-6297