Intelligent Robot System Research Section
○ Robot·Mobility Research Section is dedicated to developing control technology for robot manipulators and special-purpose robots/mobility application technologies to meet the demand for robots/mobility-related companies in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions. Major research areas include ▲Collaborative robot control and teaching technology, ▲Unmanned autonomous navigation and robot vision application technology, and ▲Mobility control platform technology. In addition, we are working on practical application and commercialization in line with the needs of local robot/mobility companies and are also carrying out corporate support activities such as technical guidance and consulting.
① Collaborative robot control and teaching technology
- Robot force/torque control
- Reinforcement learning-based robot control
- Collaborative robot/mobile manipulator teaching
- Human-robot interaction
② Unmanned autonomous navigation and robot vision application technology
- Robot/mobility motion control
- Indoor and outdoor environmental recognition/mapping/localization
- Person-following robots
- Fleet management system and simulation-based task scheduling
③ Mobility control platform technology
- Module-integrated mobility control SW and HW
DirectorYu, Wonpil
- TEL.+82-53-670-8038