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ETRI’s Hologram Technology Wins CES Innovation Award

- Creation of visible buttons in space using holographic images and Integration of non-contact touch features
- Open innovative applications with the potential to enhance user safety, accessibilities, and interaction, especially for disabilities.

ETRI researchers have successfully developed the technology that allows holographic* images, previously seen only in science fiction movies, to be visually perceived and positioned in space. The exciting prospect in the future is a visualized button on a hologram image showing a similar effect as physically touching it, without actual contact.

Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), in collaboration with VTouch Inc., J-Lab Inc., and JB Lab Inc., announced that their significant achievement of the “Spatial Real Hologram Button-based Contactless Touch Technology”, being selected for the “Innovation Award at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024” held in Las Vegas, USA.

ETRI researchers proposed a fusion of hologram technology and contactless vision sensor technology. As an entity’s contribution, ETRI focused on CGH-based optical simulation and fabrication processes for generating hologram images, while VTouch Inc., concentrated on developing vision sensor technology with the integration with hologram technology. J-Lab Inc., contributed to the fabrication process, and JB Lab Inc. to the development of adhesive materials.
* Holography: A technology that captures and reproduces three-dimensional images by recording the interference pattern created by the object wave, diffracted from an object, and the reference wave. The flat recording medium on which this interference pattern (diffraction pattern) is recorded is referred to as a hologram.

The research team aims to use the contactless touch spatial real hologram button technology to prevent the spread of viruses, like COVID-19, enhancing safety in daily life. Additionally, they plan to offer digital barrier-free* technology to improve accessibility for individuals who may face challenges in using traditional digital interfaces.

Seok-Joong Kim, the CEO of VTouch Inc., expressing gratitude and acknowledging the positive outcomes achieved through a joint project with ETRI, highlights the collaborative success.

Dr. Joo-Yeon Kim from ETRI’s Reality Display Research Section remarked on the significance of the developed technology, especially in the context of the post-COVID era, based on enabling addressing public concerns of health and safety within the innovative technology ready for real-world use, which is world’s first practical demonstrated spatial hologram technology.
* Barrier-Free: A movement and policy aimed at removing physical barriers and psychological walls to ensure that socially disadvantaged groups, such as the disabled and elderly, can live comfortably and accessibly.

ETRI announced the first validation test at the Nowon District Office in Seoul, in December 2023, and “contactless spatial real hologram button” technology was also showcased at the ‘2023 Korea Industrial Technology R&D Grand Fair,’ held in COEX, Seoul from December 6 to 8, 2023.

“contactless spatial real hologram button” technology could be transferred to companies related to smart cities, public kiosks, and touch buttons in public buildings.

The development and demonstration of this technology are part of the “New Market Creation Type Display Technology Development and Demonstration” project with a duration of five years, starting in 2023, and is supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy and the Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology. Long-term support and a dedicated highlight of the strategic importance and commitment to bring this technology to fruition and practical use.

Kim Joo-Yeon, Principal Researcher
Reality Display Research Section

ETRI Webzine Vol.75 FEBRUARY