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ETRI Webzine

May 2019


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Headline News

ETRI holds an Inauguration Ceremony for its New President, Myung Joon Kim

ETRI held an inauguration ceremony for its new president, Myung Joon Kim, on April 1 at the Main Hall of the 7th Building. In his inauguration speech, the new president said, “Going forward, ETRI will be transformed through digitalization into a global research institute that seeks to create new concepts while proactively conducting R&BD without resting on its laurels of past successes that were achieved in the era of industrial development.”

ETRI Selects Best Technologies and Researchers of the Year

On April 5, ETRI held an awarding ceremony for the winners of the Best Technology Award, the Best Researcher Award, the Best New Employee Award, etc., to reward the hard work of its dedicated researchers. The ETRI Best Technology of the Year Award was bestowed on the Tactile Internet Technology (TIC-TOC) of the Hyper-connected Communication Research Laboratory. The research was headed by Dr. Hwan Seok Chung in the Network Research Division. The awarded technology is the core technology needed to implement the large-capacity services and ultra-low latency services of the 5G era. Meanwhile, the Best Researcher of the Year Award was awarded to Dr. Kyoung Wook Min, who led the development of autonomous driving technology. Dr. Min was recognized for his contribution to developing core proprietary technologies for autonomous driving.

ETRI Hosts Korea-Italy Symposium on Disaster Prevention for Cultural Heritage Preservation

ETRI, the Cultural Heritage Administration, and the Korea National University of Cultural Heritage jointly hosted the first Korea-Italy Symposium on Disaster Prevention for Cultural Heritage Preservation Using Advanced ICT Technology for three days from April 2 to 4, 2019, at the institute. The keynote speech was given by Dr. Francesco Taccetti of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) on the cultural heritage network of the INFN and joint activities with ENEA.

ETRI Holds its 43rd-Anniversary Ceremony

ETRI held its 43rd-anniversary ceremony on April 5 at the Main Hall of the 7th Building. At the ceremony, various employee awards were bestowed to reward excellent work, including the best researcher of the year award, the best technology award, and the best new employee award. Myung Joon Kim, the President of ETRI, said “Given the grave needs the world is facing today, i.e., the Fourth Industrial Revolution, our researchers must shoulder heavy responsibilities. Now is the time to study, reflect on, and respond to the urgent pending issues facing us, as well as safety and convenience issues, while standing by our people.

ETRI Showcases Korean Broadcasting Equipment and Technologies at the NAB

ETRI researchers showcased UHD transmission technology using domestic broadcasting equipment and technologies that had been customized to US standards. The National Association of Broadcasters, the world’s largest broadcasting equipment exhibition, was held for four days from April 8 to 11, 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in the US. At the exhibition, ETRI was awarded the best paper award and presented its latest broadcasting technologies.

ETRI Develops Core Proprietary Technology for Improving QLED Efficiency

ETRI researchers developed technology that significantly improves the performance of Quantum dot Light-Emitting Diodes (QLED), which are emerging as promising next-generation display device materials that will replace Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLED). ETRI announced that it had developed core technology that can improve the brightness of QLEDs, as well as the current and power efficiency, by using newly developed technology for improving the hole injection efficiency to change the molecular sieves that constitute the surface of the quantum dots.

ETRI Develops Nanocrystalline Material-based Perfect Metamaterial Absorber

Following the development of the raw material technology for metamaterial last year, ETRI researchers developed a nanocrystalline material-based broadband perfect metamaterial absorber that can represent more colors more vividly than existing technology. A metamaterial is an artificial material engineered to have a structure or arrangement that is not found in naturally occurring materials. Unlike existing materials, a metamaterial can exhibit a property that is not found in nature, or can be formed into very thin, small or light shapes, and therefore can be used in various fields.

ETRI Attends the 2019 Korea Science Festival

ETRI researchers participated in the 2019 Korea Science Festival, which was held at Seoul Madang for four days from April 20 to 23. At ETRI’s booth, its cutting-edge technologies were introduced, including 5G ultra-low latency optical access technology, human body communication-based touch-care technology, AI visual intelligence chip technology, and digital portrait technology. Through this, ETRI researchers had time to communicate with the participants.

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